Efis + Mcp V2 open cockpit

Fichiers de configuration .ini / Alimentation

Efis + Mcp V2 open cockpit

Messagede Maveric » Lun 27 Jan 2014 22:55

Bonsoir à tous,
Je viens de recevoir après trois semaines d'attente ma commande de chez open cockpit.
Mais voilà, ma langue de Shakespeare étant très limité, je n'arrive pas a utiliser mon matériel âges Fsx et le 737 NGX.
Je possède fsuipc complet.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.
Dernière édition par Maveric le Mar 28 Jan 2014 16:24, édité 1 fois.
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Re: Efis + Mcp V2 open cockpit

Messagede Maveric » Lun 27 Jan 2014 23:56

Juste pour info, j'ai trouvé une aide en téléchargeant un fichier de Roar Kristensen

Le tuto d'installtion en anglais dit:


You need the following specs and software:
1.- SIOC 4.019 (free download: http://www.opencockpits.com/uploads/Sioc_401.zip).
2.- FSUIPC 4.81 (registered, Official page: http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html).
3.- Lua files (included in the .zip file wich contains this guide. From Roar Kristensen).
4.- Script files (included in the .zip file wich contains this guide. From Opencockpits).
5.- PMDG 737 NGX (registered, http://www.precisionmanuals.com/pages/product/ngx.html).

1. Unzip Opencockpits_MCP_EFIS_PMDG_737_NGX.zip to a temporal folder.
2. If you have:

- both MCP and EFIS copy file Opencockpits_MCP_EFIS_PMDG_737_NGX.txt to SIOC folder or where you have your .txt and .ssi files (can be any folder of choice)
- with only MCP copy NGXMCP_PP_202.ssi to the same folder stated above
- with only EFIS copy NGXEFIS_PP_202.ssi to the same folder stated above

You can compile the txt or use the .ssi file, but better way is load the .txt or .ssi file on compiler (config_sioc) and compile or save it as sioc.ssi.

3. Make reference to the sioc.ssi you use in your sioc.ini file with the line:

CONFIG_FILE= path\sioc.ssi

"path" is your folder location where you copied the .ssi file. Save and exit.

4. Copy the 2 lua files to your FSX\ Modules folder ( where you have your FSUIPC.dll).

5. If you have both EFIS and MCP make reference to the 2 lua files in your fsuipc4.ini file with:

1 = lua NGXEFIS_PP_202 ( if you have the EFIS )
2 = lua NGXMCP_PP_202 ( if you have the MCP )

if you have only one of the units, use only the correct one above, make sure it is numbered 1, Save and exit.

6. Copy sioc.ini to your sioc folder and edit the usb ports used for You:

[MCP: 0=IDX for the MCP connected, 5 = MCP, 1 = only 1 conected, XXX device usb port]
[EFIS: 1=IDX for EFIS connected, 7 = EFIS, 1 = only 1 conected, YYY device usb port]

or use your own modified sioc.ini file. Save and exit.

7. Start up FSX, start a fly with NGX plane and wait to all systems initialized and start SIOC.

8. Enjoy.

Si j'ai bien compris, au point 3 j'ai mis le chemin: C:ProgramFiles(x86)/IOCards/SIOC (le chemin vous parait il bon?)

Et à partir du point 6, je suis perdu, donc si vous pouvez m'aider ou trouver une autre solution.
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Messages: 76
Inscription: 5/01/14
Localisation: 69 Sthoany-Camp

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