Simu Mirage 2000-5, MicaGR

Avions & hélicoptères de type militaire

Re: Simu Mirage 2000-5, MicaGR

Messagede hackeriphone » Mar 22 Oct 2013 16:19

Really impressive !

Congrats ! Keep let us know about the upgrades cligneoeil
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Inscription: 14/08/10
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Re: Simu Mirage 2000-5, MicaGR

Messagede MicaGR » Mar 22 Oct 2013 16:27

The only problem yet, is that I can't find monitors in the sizes I want... tristounet
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Messages: 59
Inscription: 4/11/09
Localisation: Greece - Athens

Re: Simu Mirage 2000-5, MicaGR

Messagede Michael Blackbird » Sam 2 Nov 2013 00:21


Really great work!!! Congratulations.

I saw your schema with the LEDs. They are drawn in the wrong direction but I guess you did it right when wiring.

applaublanc applaublanc applaublanc
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Michael Blackbird
Messages: 129
Inscription: 8/08/11
Localisation: Pertuis (84)

Re: Simu Mirage 2000-5, MicaGR

Messagede MicaGR » Sam 21 Fév 2015 21:31

Hello to all forum members,

Its been a very long time since my last post to this topic. Du to the fact that I was doing a very long search for monitors, so I can finally end with the MFDs, I've spend more than a year to that and all other "projects" have been frozen.

I've found a company that makes custom made LCD monitors, but after a month from my order, I had to cancel it. They couldn't make them. So, no luck with the monitors. Now I am in the thinking of doing a modification to the main body of the front panel, so I can place in 90 degrees 2 10 inch (maybe) monitors. WORK IN PROGRESS for that.

So, I've moved to the next project I had. And that was the update of the Mirage stick with a "copy" of how the original looks.
3d drawings have been done by a very very good friend of mine from French. merci affiche

Above a picture from the 3d design.

Below pictures from the final product. Before and after the primer.
Image Image

Cause it was very fragile, I had to make it strong and heavy also for the calibration to stay in center. So I used artistic use cement. In 7 minutes its strong as stone.
Image Image

As you can see cable is going outside from the base, cause in the original, is not IN the base but outside.
I use 3.3cm PVC to make the final part that I'll connect the main stick.
Image Image Image[thumbnail][/thumbnail]

Finally after painted,.... :Jumpy:

Its fully working, no problem in flight!!! Tested in hard turns and very hard moves, without any problem.

Until next post....
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Messages: 59
Inscription: 4/11/09
Localisation: Greece - Athens


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